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Created 25-Jul-11
Modified 28-Dec-24
Visitors 10033
28 photos

Bristle Cone PineFire in the SkyWinter Fog 2024Machine FallsTwin Falls CascadeComet over RuinsBaraboo Hills BarnCrisp Point Lighthouse510 BridgeWhite Domes Trail 1Slot CanyonMouse's Tank Road 1Lone Tree over Crystal BayWisconsin Point SunriseRed BoatPewits July 2024Boat at DuskBadlands National ParkLone Tree at Sage CreekCracked Earth

Guestbook for New Additions
Mike, I wish I could be with when you take all these photos. How great to really be there! "Ruins" is now hanging on my dining room wall & I love it.
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