Good Enough

August 07, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

Like myself, I am sure that most artists, regardless of the medium never think that their work is good enough. I struggle with it every time I take a picture. I have read numerous times that the "keep" rate for photographers is 10% at best. I have found this to be true more times than not.

You tell yourself that you're only going to take the good ones but there are many times when the good ones don't surface until a year after you have taken them. As a photographer you tend to "see" differently than most people. You find yourself looking at a landscape or a subject from angles and perspectives that the average person wouldn't look twice at. Sometimes it is torture. I have found myself stopping several times within a mile, while driving, because something interesting or unusual has caught my eye. It takes me forever to get anywhere.

You typically end up with a large number of photographs that most people would look at and go, Huh????

For most of my pictures I already have a pre conceived vision of how I want them to look but there are a lot of times when you take a picture just because you are thinking hmmmm....what are the possibilities????......and then you get home and wonder what you were thinking when you took that....and then 6 months later questioning yourself on why you didn't do more with this incredible photo.

You start out as a photographer taking pictures of things that interest you, and in my case hoping the photographs that you love to capture will make an impact on other people.

You end up becoming more than a photographer, you become an artist, a maker of pictures that are beautiful, mysterious and hopefully drive an emotion.

I consider myself very lucky. The pictures that I love to take are always received very well by the people who visit my booth during art shows. There is nothing I love more than to talk about the story behind a picture and I am always very humbled by the comments that I receive. I think to myself "you must be doing something right" and for a split second you feel like you're work is good enough....

Good enough for what????? I don't have that answer. It haunts me. In my mind I’ll never be the photographer that I strive to be.

I had dinner the other night with a good friend and he asked me what "good enough" meant to me. I stumbled for an answer and never found it. He pointed out that many of the great artists throughout history most likely never thought that they were "good enough".

An artist never stops learning or experimenting. Their vision is in a constant state of unrest.

My confidence always begins to waver when I step into unchartered waters.

What a great feels like life!


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